Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #163 — 6/11/15


About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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22 Responses to Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #163 — 6/11/15

  1. yes Evil… I agree with you… efurrything is better than to clean that chilleh-thingies :o)

  2. You never can tell what will happen to the ending when you rewrite the middle of the story. Sometimes, you live happily ever after. Sometimes, you ARE the mold on the produce.

    • I love the whole concept of a new parallel universe forming at every decision we make in life… and there is no way to know how the choices we didn’t make really would pan out. And the further you get away from the fork, the more divergent the paths become. I’m glad I didn’t do anything that turned me into mold…

  3. Trisha says:

    Shyness can make a squirrel miss so many opportunities. But the fiery explosion ending would have been a possible ending, especially if it happened on one of those nights when critters are drawn to playing in the road!

  4. “Prom” is over-rated. I’ll write about it some day, when I get over the trauma. The fiery crash might have been my better ending.

  5. JED says:

    It was a possum. Why would you swerve?

    • I actually considered that while writing the dialogue, which is why I had it come from Angel’s mouth. She may be the only one who would ever swerve for a possum (OK, I’ve done it twice… I don’t have the heart to kill Buster in real life)…

  6. Ally Bean says:

    So wistful. Another “if only” in life twisted into something unrecognizable. But at least the shelves and produce look good.

  7. gentlestitches says:

    Aww such love between the 2 young squirrels…. like Romeo and Juliet……doomed from the start!

  8. draliman says:

    I bet she was impressed by “Nude Art” 🙂

  9. Poor old ES. But I do like the alternative ending to prom idea!

    Not that we had prom when I was at high school, but they now seem to have adopted the idea over here…

Jabber Away...