Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #220 — 7/14/16


If anyone is wondering where the inspiration for this comic came from, it’s a program those in this country of a certain age might remember quite well from your school days… the American Cancer Society’s infamous “Send A Mouse To College” program.  It popped in my mind for no reason this morning, and it occurred to me that this program for “higher learning” was tailor made for Buster…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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30 Responses to Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #220 — 7/14/16

  1. Merbear74 says:

    No way, this is a second rate WordPress comic strip!

  2. Poor Buster. He just can’t get a break, can he. Well he can, but usually it’s a fatal break. Besides, would YOU want Buster for your doctor? Wait. I think I’ve recently HAD Buster as my doctor. Pretty sure. Same personality. Yup. It was Buster pretending to be human …

    • If Buster were a doctor, he’d be the one who weighs 300 pounds, chain smokes, has a nasty bedside manner, tells you “not to do that” when something hurts, and then triple bills your insurance for the whole 25 seconds he saw you. Yep, it’s probably a good thing he just wound up getting ripped open…

  3. Bradley says:

    This is the first time I’ve read one of your comics. Definitely not third rate.

    • Well, the jury’s still out on the quality, but one thing’s for sure… it takes a while to pick up on all of the character quirks and inside gags. This one was a good introduction into the “life” of my ill-fated possum Buster…

  4. You had me with Playpossum magazine…..The strategically placed staples in the centerfold probably covered up the spleenectomy scars from some OTHER hapless girl possum who attended the same college Buster did…….eeeeek.


    • LOL! Nothing can ruin a beautiful nude pinup like a gigantic scar running up the entire length of the body. But Buster, you know, he only reads it for the articles…

  5. Kat says:

    As someone who works for a university I can honestly say that this is funny as fuck. 🙂

  6. Send a Mouse to College Day?! Had never heard of such… what the what? (lol…sad, but the process of having goobers raising money to send mice to their death, produced a giggle. I feel bad now, going to go to bed. *giggle*)

  7. gentlestitches says:

    Clever! Oh those begging letters! Send a mouse to college aimed at kids? I am (almost) speechless! 😀

    • We were so naive back then! The little mouse mascot they used was so cute with his cap and gown, how could you NOT want to send him to college to be dissected and grow tumors?

  8. draliman says:

    Poor Buster, he just can’t catch a break can he?
    I like the sound of the chilleh breakfast and gypsy moth shooting gallery (if Marilyn leaves any for me to shoot at) but I think I’ll give the Begathon a miss.

  9. at least he was a part of anatomy lesson… but I rather would prefer the place at the table than the place ON it :o)

  10. 1jaded1 says:

    Kinda gives the word “donation” a different context. First rate comic. I’m surprised you haven’t been approached foe syndication.

  11. Trisha says:

    Poor Buster! He would end up being the one who provided a spleen for a crazy night of beer pong.

  12. Now that was a twist I didn’t see coming. Brilliant!

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