Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #269 — 6/22/17

Since it’s unlikely I’ll be getting my Thursday comics actually done on Thursday for the immediate future, I think I’m going to post a retro comic on Thursday mornings starting next week to bridge the gap.  It’s something I’ve been thinking of doing for a while since I certainly have a large enough archive of old strips, and a number of my followers have missed the first year or two or three or more of my comic and might enjoy some of the earlier insanity that The Nest where it is today…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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19 Responses to Evil Squirrel’s Nest Comic #269 — 6/22/17

  1. Merbear74 says:

    Marihuana and sunburns, welcome summertime!

  2. draliman says:

    I see they’re actually wearing more clothes on the beach…

  3. Quirky Girl says:

    I can see how laying on the beach under full sun is sooo much cooler than chilling under the shade of a tree. 😛

    Oh, and poor Rainbow Unicorn doesn’t look like a happy sun worshipper. Heat stroke, anyone?

  4. I am one of those people who do not tan. Ever. If you put me in the sun for more than half an hour, you’ll need a burn unit to take me in. Garry used to be a total sun bunny. He spent the whole summer trying to see just HOW black he could become. He got pretty dark. I got freckled and ever so slightly beige. I love the beach. In the fall.

    • I burn really quick too, and that’s only gotten worse now that I’m going on two decades of working nights. Avoiding day baseball games has helped keep me from getting scorched lately…

  5. Oh, and I would LOVE to see the earlier strips! Even if I have seen them before, it has been a while and it would be great to see them again!

  6. I’m not a sun person – having had melanoma twice perhaps took the FUN out of the whole thing? Anyway, I love the idea of you whipping out some oldies but goodies in the ‘toon department…..!


    • Me and the sun are mortal enemies. I’ve never seen the pleasure people gotten from going to a beach… then again, the only waterfront we have around here is the rocky kind around rivers and lakes.

      • I lived in Florida for several years back in the days when nobody talked “sunscreen”……..people just don’t think about what will happen over time to their FRIED skin! I do like a pretty beach at sundown or just before sunrise but forget about toasting myself in it all day long!


  7. That comic is pawfect considering the universal heat indexes being ‘enjoyed’ [typed sarcastically] on most of the country. There is something cooling about going to the beach. What’s up with that logic? 🙂 Stay cool.

  8. Buster in a mankini…. My eyes!!!!

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