Share Your World – Week 286

Seriously? The tabloids even followed me here?

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor, yeah

That verse from the Black Sabbath song “War Pigs” is very true in the modern world and much of recent history… but that’s not the way it used to work.  If you led a nation, you also led your men into battle.  So it was that on June 27, 1743, King George II led British troops in the Battle of Dettingen, part of the War of Austrian Succession, and became the last British monarch to call the shots from the battlefield.  While we never got to see Richard Nixon wield an M-16 in Vietnam, Vladimir Putin ride a tank into the Ukraine or even Osama bin-Laden pilot his own suicide plane into the World’s Largest Ball of Twine, we can fondly remember a long ago time when our leaders had the balls to declare a war they were more than willing to fight in themselves…

I am ready for battle! Let’s kill all of the infidels in the name of the People’s Democratic Republic of North Korea!

And now we’ll make a hasty retreat into our top secret bomb-proof bunker to answer this week’s Share Your World questions from Di!

The world is not enough…

What do you miss most, if anything, about your school days?

Not much, really.  I was a loner that never cared to be around hundreds of other kids (and my high school was huge).  I do kinda miss dodgeball…

Eh, we used balls harder than that. We were tough kids back in the day…

Did your school have its own sports field or swimming pool?

It had a football, baseball, and soccer field on campus, as well as a gymnasium for basketball and even its own wrestling complex, because for some reason, my hometown is really big on wrestling.  Swimming pool… LOL!  We didn’t even have air conditioning…

I doubt my school district could have even afforded this.

What was your favorite day on the school week?

The only difference in days was the menu in the cafeteria, and I brought my own lunch from first grade through twelfth.  Well, I take that back… Friday was usually dodgeball day in gym class.

And fish day in the cafeteria…. YUCK!

Did you have one teacher for a variety of subjects, or separate teachers for each?

I would imagine my experience was the same as most others in the American school system.  You get one teacher each year in elementary school, and then start getting different teachers for each subject in junior high (which is now called middle school and starts in 6th grade rather than 7th for some reason).

It didn’t matter, they were all waiting for the chance to spank your ass…. which was still allowed back in my day.

Gratitude AI Image:

Here’s what I think of school…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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5 Responses to Share Your World – Week 286

  1. noelleg44 says:

    Reminds e of Country Joe and the Fish (Be the first ones on the block to have your son come home in a box). I miss the friends I had in high school – we reune every two years now that we are older. We did have a playing field for football, soccer, etc and I played interscholastic field hockey, basketball and tennis. And mostly fun, different teachers for every subject beginning in 6th grade.

  2. I always hoped for a better teacher and always in vain… but I liked it to go to school , really…

  3. Thanks for joining in ES. Interesting fact for today. See you next week.

  4. Things were sooo different from back when I was in school. Girls couldn’t wear pants to school and guys never took Home Ec and learn how to cook for themselves. Maybe that’s why modern politicos didn’t feel compelled to lead troops into battle?

  5. Things have changed significantly with school now than back in the dark ages when I was a student. Everything seems more complicated now. I was quite happy to finish school and move on to bigger and better things……they turned out to be bigger but better? Took me a lot longer to find “better”.


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