#51 – The Squirrel With The Golden Tail

Photo taken: August 24, 2017

You’ll sometimes encounter a grey squirrel with a blonde-ish colored tail because the thicker gray colored fur that is usually what is most noticeable hasn’t grown in yet (Or just some of it has).  While the color contrast can add an element of beauty to the animal, I’d say that judging by this picture, that contrast looks so much more cooler when the sunlight is directly filtering through the yellow tail, wouldn’t you?  With the squirrel’s body mostly in the darker shadows and the tail out in the sun, it practically lights up his rear appendage in a dramatic way!  Kind of like sticking a peg in a Lite Brite machine (Old school reference!).  While this photo and squirrel are visually neat… trying to follow this squirrel is the only reason I was able to take a photo that will appear extremely high in this countdown, and I’ll discuss that when that picture come up in late December…

And speaking of the countdown, we’ve now officially made it to the three-quarters mark!  It’s just the Top 50 left to go, so be prepared to have your socks knocked off over the last month and a half!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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4 Responses to #51 – The Squirrel With The Golden Tail

  1. draliman says:

    Trying to catch a bit of shade, tail won’t fit.

  2. Our socks are always ready when it comes to the Nest………..


  3. Nice tail. It would look great on a hat.

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