Prompt The Squirrel III

Brought back for a third season in 2017, Prompt the Squirrel Friday returned in March to give the popular Shelf Critter Theatre show a breather.  Everyone reading my blog is invited to submit ONE (1) idea they would like to see me make into a PTS3 post by using the contact form that can be found at the bottom of this post.  Completed prompts will be linked to as they are posted.  Those who have submitted ideas that are waiting for their day in the spotlight are also listed below…

Due to a multitude of circumstances that have caused me to be routinely late with my Thursday comic, PTS3 has been postponed indefinitely.  No additional suggestions for this series will be accepted, though I do plan to run the remaining submissions at some point in the future… so please bear with me!

Total Prompts Submitted: 14

Completed Prompts:

Ally Bean – Redecorating The Nest (3/31/17)
Juliette – Love for black cats (4/7/17)
Franhunne – Nuts! (4/14/17)
Donna Florack – Squirrels in music (4/28/17)

The Waiting List:

Satin Sheet Diva
Da Tabbies O Trout Towne
Faith Hope and Chocolate