#8 – Blondes Have More Fun

The common ordinary grey squirrel can come in a variety of colors.  There’s gray, of course.  And they can have a more brownish tint to their fur.  Black colored squirrels are actually quite common in the northern US and Canada.  And then there are the white furred little angels that are very rare to be found outside of certain protected colonies who keep them as living tourist traps.  I never really expected to ever see one of these more uncommon colored squirrels given how mundane and uniform squirrel fur patterns seem around these parts…

Then on a hot summer day at the park in 2019, I found a squirrel who looked like no other I’d ever seen.  And he wansn’t gray or brown or red or black or even white……. he was yellow!

An honest to goodness blonde squirrel!  Who’d have ever imagined?

Ain’t I pretty?

And the icing on the cake was that he was very cooperative in letting me photograph him, unlike many other more skittish squirrels I meet.

What a beautiful tail!

As gorgeous as these squirrels of a different color can be, there are some rather not good implications of this genetic oddity.  Squirrels have a lot of natural predators, and use their fur pattern quite effectively as camouflage.  Survival often depends on not looking so flashy and noticeable.

I’ll just hide behind this tree!

And sadly, I never came across this squirrel again…. and there’s no way I could possibly miss him, unless he had a lot of gray squirrel fur grow back in.

Here I am! Right here!!!

This little guy’s blonde ambition easily made him my 8th favorite Saturday Squirrel of All Time!  Another truly legendary squirrel, or squirrels,  are on tap next Tuesday….

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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11 Responses to #8 – Blondes Have More Fun

  1. Rivergirl says:

    What a stunner! I’ve never seen a Marilyn Monroe squirrel before…

  2. Well blondes supposedly have more fun! I’ve never seen a WHITE or multi-colored squirrel BUT I have seen black ones. They all are fun to watch.


  3. noelleg44 says:

    Well, isn’t she/he beautiful!

  4. kixmet says:

    I hope that this isn’t near Arizona where an Arizona would make that squirrel into a pancake.

  5. Now that’s one snazzy hinnie.

  6. draliman says:

    A very snazzy-looking little squirrel.

  7. mydangblog says:

    Gorgeous! When I lived in Toronto I was near a park with white squirrels and they were really cute!

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