Out Go The Lights

Blame the cat.

It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for another fun edition of DJ Scratchy’s Dusty Vinyl Archive to get your week started!  I’d like to say that this week’s lost hit is only from 1999, but somehow that year is now a quarter of a century in the past!  Where does the time go….?

I’ve had today’s song on my DVA list for a while now, but every time I was tempted to finally use it I remembered that there would be a perfect Monday for it coming up in the future….. and the future is today.

The Canadian alternative rock band that goes by the simple name of Len has only one song of any renown, and it took its inclusion in the soundtrack of a forgettable 1999 movie to even get it on the radio.  That song that was heard all over during the final summer of the 1900’s was the eclectic and strange, but very catchy #9 hit “Steal My Sunshine”…

“Steal My Sunshine” was featured on Len’s third album, and one of the best album titles in pop music history, You Can’t Stop The Bum Rush.  The video was shot during Spring Break 1999 in Daytona Beach, Florida during rare periods where the band wasn’t completely wasted on booze.  It also features a number of shots towards the end of the male and female leads getting really chummy, which is kind of sweet if you didn’t know they were actually brother and sister…

Maybe they should’ve shot the video in Alabama instead?

And of course the timing of this song is due to today’s total solar eclipse that will be whipping about fifty miles or so south and east of me later on today.  While I’m hoping to head out that way for what will be my last chance to ever see such a spectacle, I may instead end up stuck here while I have new guttering installed to go with the new roof I got Friday.  What lovely timing….

These were my neighbor’s gutters…. but they were a hell of a lot cleaner than mine were.

Come back next Monday when I’ll spin another lost hit in full sunshine…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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15 Responses to Out Go The Lights

  1. ghostmmnc says:

    Cute song and fun video, but I never heard it before. Good title for today’s eclipse! Hope you can see it! 🙂

  2. noelleg44 says:

    Definitely a lost hit – I’ve never heard of it until now. As for the gutters – might be some acorns in there.

  3. Nope, never heard this snappy tune but that’s no reason to not enjoy a Happy Eclipse Monday.

  4. I don’t even remember this song. Fun choice.

    Of course I immediately thought you were going to do BOOM BOOM OUT GO THE LIGHTS from the Pat Travers Band.

    This song sort of reminds me of one of my new favorites Sun Keeps Shining by Almost Monday. I know these two songs are NOTHING like each other but you know how one thing sort of ticks off a thought and then a next and then…you know how it is.

  5. We need a new roof too. I’m terrified. More debt????

  6. Yet another one I’m not familiar with – where was I when all these songs were HOT? Anyway, new roof and gutter – I imagine your wallet is aching just about now! 


    • New roof and gutters was almost HALF of what I paid for the plumbing nightmare. The contractor was preparing me for the worst, and was surprised how relieved I was at the price! Plus, at the rate I’m going, my AI side project will pay for the job itself by July!

  7. draliman says:

    If you hadn’t had the new roof installed you could have watched the eclipse from the comfort of your living room…

    Not a fan of this song. It was a bit weird 😮

    But talking of solar eclipse songs, Bonnie Tyler is expected to make a million quid or something from streaming revenue for “Total Eclipse of the Heart” thanks to the eclipse…

    • I could have watched a 99% eclipse from the comfort of my roofless house, but I needed to see the real deal once. My hometown is smack in the middle of a one thousand year total eclipse drought, and I doubt I will live until 2602 to see the next one.

      Bonnie Tyler should have made billions in royalties just off of how much they played it during our 2017 eclipse. Thankfully, I only heard it played once this time around…

Jabber Away...