Share Your World – Week 282

Miss Kitty, she ain’t.

On May 30, 1899, one of the last, and most unique, stagecoach robberies was pulled off in the Old West by a pair of outlaws named Pearl Hart and Joe Boot.  What made this robbery so notable is that, as you may have guessed by the name, Pearl Hart was a woman… and there weren’t many female outlaws, let alone stagecoach robbers, in the days of the Wild West.  Hart was trying to raise the money to travel back east to visit her dying mother, and used that impassioned plea to get a not guilty verdict from the jury who tried her case.  Nevertheless, the federal government still put her away for tampering with the US Mail, turning Hart into a short-lived legend in her own time who during her time in the Yuma Territory Prison was as well known as Jesse James.  Hart got out of the outlaw business upon receiving a pardon in 1902 and moved back east, where she faded from the spotlight and died in 1955 at the ripe old age of 86.

Before I move on, it should be noted that this is the 282nd time I have answered the Share Your World questions presented, passing up my beloved Evil Squirrel’s Nest comic strip series for the third longest running weekly feature on my blog… with only Muzak Monday (ten years next week) and Saturday Squirrel (almost 12 years and counting) having a longer run.  That’s worthy of a celebration…

May as well get two parties worth out of this baby…

OK, here are this week’s questions from Di!

What frustrates you the most about modern day living?

Two-step verification.  Everyone wants you (some even try forcing you) to sign up for this crap that is only really feasible if you actually have a cell phone, which I don’t.  Maybe that’s actually the most frustrating thing about modern day living… that cell phones are considered an everyday essential.

I don’t want to be associated with losers like this guy.

What was your favorite decade and why?

There are bits and pieces of each that I liked and didn’t like, but from a nostalgia (and certainly musical) point of view, nothing beats the 1980’s I grew up in…

Prototypical 80’s new wave band, Re-flex. They were awesome, for all of one song.

What was your ‘best buy’ (for example: house, car, clothes, computer etc)

Definitely this thing…

The AI art capable computer, not the cat. I didn’t have to buy Ody anyway…

Do you have any non medicinal allergies?

Apparently I have some form of allergy to large doses of walnuts, as I used to include them in brownies I made back when I had a working oven until the time I woke up a few hours after eating a batch itching from the inside out.  Other than that, I’m largely allergic to people and their stupid opinions on things…

And there isn’t a suppository big enough to do anything about that.

Gratitude AI Image:

I put more effort into this one than my usual gratitude images I make.  Am definitely going to try and sell this one…

“You say a stagecoach got robbed?  I’m sorry, Mr. Sheriff, I’m just a sweet, innocent little cowgirl!”

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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6 Responses to Share Your World – Week 282

  1. noelleg44 says:

    Great history. I take it Pearl Hart did not get to visit her mother! and as for decades, the 70s for sure.

  2. Thanks for joining in ES. Interesting about Pearl Hart.
    Enjoy your celebrations. See you next week.

  3. Oh boy…..a cake replay! Yay! Glad your AI artwork is selling well…’s fun to just let our imaginations go in any direction isn’t it.


  4. draliman says:

    What a surprise – the 80’s!
    Bring on the poo cake!

  5. You’re so right about the two step authentication thing being a pain. For me it usually kicks in when I’m pulling my hair out because of some stupid issue with an app on the laptop. Last thing I want is some additional hoop to jump through. Grrr. Congrats on the longevity streak.

Jabber Away...