Share Your World – Week 283

Worldwide drive-in theater.

While June 6th is obviously famous for the D-Day invasion, there’s actually a lot of other interesting firsts that occurred.  The YMCA was founded in 1844, the “L” trains in Chicago began operating in 1892…. but I’m going to go with the American institution that was launched on June 6, 1933 when Richard Hollingshead opened the very first drive-in movie theater in Camden, New Jersey.  And by official, I mean he actually patented the concept and all.  While Hollingshead’s operation was enough of a bust that he sold its operations after just a few years, the drive-in would become a bonafide part of Americana post-World War II, hitting its peak in the 1950’s and 1960’s.  I owe a debt of gratitude to drive-in theaters since my parents met while working at the local drive-in while they were in high school… and without that drive-in theater, you would be reading something else by somebody else right now that’s probably much more interesting…

Like the phone book… oh wait, they’re as obsolete as drive-ins.

And now we’ll hang up the speaker, un-steam the windows, and put aside the popcorn so we can answer this week’s Share Your World questions from Di!

Hey! Down in front!!!

Have you ever wanted to be famous?

I wouldn’t mind being internet-famous.  I always thought it would be neat if my blog with its humorous posts (back in the day), hilarious comics, and fucked up Shelf Critter Theatre stories managed to go viral.  Of course, that didn’t happen, so I can continue being the offensive little prick I am without worrying about some huge scandal bringing shame to my internet alter ego…

Evil Squirrel’s Nest is not Chris Hansen approved.

Have you met any celebrities?

Me and The Reege in the same photo!!!

I obviously got to meet the late, great Regis Philbin when I was an unsuccessful finalist on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire in 2001, and even briefly shake his hand.  Other than him, I had small interactions with a handful of reasonably well known Major League Baseball players from my autograph hounding days of the 1990’s.  Pitcher Steve Trachsel once complimented me on the number of autographs I’d gotten on the back of my scorecard.  Future Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter once took it upon himself to use my pen (since it was handy) to sign autographs for everyone else who gathered around him… making me wait until he was done (and then I still had to ask for the pen back).

That was a better outcome than my Wilton Guerrero experience.  In 1998, when he and his much more famous (and also future Hall of Fame) brother Vladimir were both playing for the Montreal Expos, Wilton managed to fumble handing me back my Sharpie and it landed in his duffel bag… and due to the language barrier, I couldn’t get him to realize he’d just stolen my marker!  That ended my night prematurely, and kept me from adding Vlad’s signature to my collection.

Wilton Guerrero, Sharpie thief.

Has anyone ever asked you for your autograph?

No, but if they did, I sure as hell would give them back their pen or marker…. unlike certain baseball players!

Is there a celebrity you wish to have met/meet?

Not really.  I wouldn’t even recognize most celebrities since I have terrible face recognition skills even with people I know.  I’d be the person who got to meet a celebrity and not even realize it…

No, you don’t count as a celebrity.

Gratitude AI Image:

Sorry, no autographs, please!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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10 Responses to Share Your World – Week 283

  1. noelleg44 says:

    I’ve met a bunch of famous athletes, and Julia Child, eating a hamburger in an airport McDonald’s.

  2. Meh…you haven’t missed much. Celebs put their trousers on the same way as common folks. And we’re less likely to be thieves.

  3. Thanks for joining in ES. I see articles about celebrities and I don’t know most of them!

  4. I met a pile of celebs when I worked for Mutual Broadcasting in the 80s…..but that was a lifetime ago. Never met a Sharpie-stealer though and you have that honor on your resume’ !


  5. draliman says:

    Goes autograph hunting, only takes one pen…

    I’m the same with faces – out of context they’re strangers.

Jabber Away...