Share Your World – Week 284

Come on out of there so we can read you your rights, you lowlife punk!!!

If you were a huge fan of the late 60’s revival of Dragnet, you should know these words by heart…

You have the right to remain silent
If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law
You have the right to speak with an attorney and have the attorney present during questioning
If you wish to do so and can not afford an attorney, one will be provided for you without charge before questioning.

Those lines were required to be read to every suspect in police custody since June 13, 1966 when the US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Miranda v. Arizona that any statements made by a suspect who is not informed of their “Miranda rights” can not be used as evidence at trial.  The decision came down just before Dragnet’s four season revival from 1967-1970, and appears in just about every episode.

As for the man who led to the warnings, while Ernesto Miranda won a new trial after the Supreme Court overturned his prior conviction for kidnapping and rape…. he still lost the retrial and spent five years behind bars before being released on parole in 1972 and wound up stabbed to death in a barroom fight four years later.

You have the right to donate your organs to science.

And now The Nest retains the right not to incriminate itself and have our attorney present while we answer this week’s Share Your World questions from Di

I never figured this old Melanie SYW title card would get used again!

What is/has been your favorite job/occupation?

Well, I’ve only really ever had one, so it’s my favorite and least favorite at the same time…

And it pretty much feels that way, too… I love and hate my job.

Unless we count my AI art sidejob, though that still feels more like a lucrative hobby.  If it ever got to feel like a job, I’m sure I’d hate it too…

Is there a job you would never consider doing?

There’s a lot of jobs I’d never consider doing, even within the very building where I work now.  I will NOT clean bathrooms (good thing we have our own maintenance people to do that), I will not serve food (Excessive sanitary habits like washing my hands fifty times a day and not wiping my nose on my sleeve give me the hives), and I will not run a cash register.  I took math up to and including differential equations in college, and the few attempts I’ve gotten to try and make change for people managed to turn me into an incredibly bumbling idiot…

Sorry sir, but I’ll have to give you your change in pennies. Would you like a free apple pie?

Did your family own a business and expect you to join the ranks when you got older?

The only thing my family owned was a bunch of debt.  The good news is, there will be nothing to inherit and pay taxes on…

Oh, I’m sure we can find a way to tax you for all your parents’ unpaid credit cards!

Did/do you have a career requiring qualifications or did you learn on the job and work your way up?

I threw all my fancy ejumacation out the window and learned the ins and outs of stocking at Mecca back in an era where they actually taught their employees how to not only do the job, but think on their own and empower them to make the decisions needed to make the store work.  These days, we have too many of the former type of people who only learned about retail in college classes in store and upper management who want perfectly programmed little worker bees who never deviate even an inch outside of their expected duties…. which allows the store to fall completely apart when the ideal world those programs must have to succeed is never present.

Pre-programmed human minions will help the AI overlords take over.

Gratitude AI Image:

At least this little guy loves his job!  He can stand by the side of the road and hold a sign that says SLOW all day long and make $30 an hour!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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11 Responses to Share Your World – Week 284

  1. Well I think since most of us HAVE to work, we oughta do something we at least somewhat can tolerate in order to get the resulting paycheck. Glad you found your niche (what the heck is a niche anyway?!). Happy that your AI sideline is providing some $$ – that has to be a lot of fun. Thanks for including a couple of “flashbacks” of old shelf critter mayhem in this post……I miss it.


  2. noelleg44 says:

    My favorite job: writing, although I don’t really consider it a job. And I’m with you – I would never want to clean toilets for a living. My career qualifications: seven years of post-graduate training!

  3. 🤔 Didn’t about the ‘rest of the story’ regarding Ernesto Miranda. Sounds like a real stand up guy. Not-that was a fact that AI got wrong.

  4. Thanks for playing along ES. Your AI graphic reminded me of the construction worker of The Village People! See you next week!

  5. draliman says:

    If you inherit money and have to pay the government taxes, surely if you inherit debt the government has to pay you. Seems fair.

    We have “the right to remain silent” in this country, which was extended years ago to also mention that if you keep your mouth shut now and speak up in court, your defence could be fucked as it looks like you’re making stuff up on the spot (not in those exact words). We also don’t mention lawyers, no sense putting ideas in people’s heads…

Jabber Away...