Nut Envy

I sure would like what he’s having!

Always keep a close eye out whenever you find yourself a tasty treat, because you never know….

Imminent foodjacking.

…when someone else might decide to ambush you for it!

Beware the hungry Saturday Squirrel, and have a great weekend everyone!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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8 Responses to Nut Envy

  1. Rivergirl says:

    Nut theft is a horrible thing.

  2. Why am I not surprised they’re hoodlums against each other as well?

  3. draliman says:

    Get your paws off my nuts, you scoundrel!

  4. mydangblog says:

    Aw, nuts!! These two are very cute!

  5. I fed my squirrels peanuts today. Not squirrelly peanuts. The kind you use for cooking, but I haven’t used them for cooking, so … I put them out for the furry ones. Oddly enough, I also got some nifty pictures too.

  6. I have heard from a lot of sources that squirrel actually get into serious fights with each other, but that’s the first time I’ve actually seen them tussle. Great piece of photography.

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