Share Your World – Week 281

Always the coolest guy in the band.

May 23, 1829 was a landmark day in music history as Austrian inventor Cyrill Demian received a patent for the musical instrument he devised that would come to be the beloved accordion.  If you’re a fan of Lawrence Welk, Weird Al Yankovic, or just polka in general… you undoubtedly love the soothing melodic sounds of the squeezebox.  But it’s not just in your grandparents’ old record collection, a lot of rock hits feature accordion music as well such as Billy Joel’s “Piano Man,” Aerosmith’s “What It Takes,” and Paul Simon’s “Boy in the Bubble”….

Any excuse to post the awesome Electric Cat featured in the music video…

Now it’s time to stop pretending to play the air accordion and get around to answering this week’s Share Your World questions from Di!

The earth is Mitzi’s squeezebox.

Do you have a favorite movie you never tire of watching?

I haven’t gone out of my way to watch a movie (or anything else on TV) in years.  Back in the late 80’s when we first got a VCR and recorded movies off of HBO, me and my sisters wore the tape off of such favorites as “Trading Places,” “Mannequin,” and especially “Clue”…

I don’t care if your a man or not, I’m slapping the shit out of you, Mrs. Peacock!

Do you have a favorite song or special song as a couple?

As a couple of what?

There’s only Ody, and he hates any music I play.

How do you relax in the evenings?

It’s hard to relax when you know the alarm is going to go off at 8:00 PM…. which is why I’m usually up on my own before that happens.

Some people have more relaxing evenings. Or at least, late afternoons.

Do you celebrate special birthdays or anniversaries?

Well, I celebrate special anniversaries every Thursday here, like the birth of the accordion!

Every day is a cause for celebration!

Gratitude AI Image:

This is the kind of garbage that gives AI art a bad rep.  Luckily for me, nobody who buys my art is interested in people playing accordions…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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6 Responses to Share Your World – Week 281

  1. Ally Bean says:

    1829! I had no idea Myron Floren’s signature instrument had been around that long. Now if you’d said that MF was born in 1829 I might have believed you! 😉 

  2. noelleg44 says:

    Movies: Chariots of Fire, Last of the Mohegans, and Moonlight.

    Our song: Theme from Dr. Zhivago – we waltz to it.

  3. Thanks for joining in ES. I had a twelve bass piano accordion when I was about 10. I often used to take it to school and another girl in my class had one too, so we played duets in music class. See you next week!

  4. Interesting you mentioned Mannequin…Andrew McCarthy released a documentary on the Brat Pack just this week.

  5. I prefer my accordian music to be enjoyed in a beer garden in Germany! Been there/done that. David and I have “a song”……danced to it at our wedding – we were pushing well into our 40s then so chose “As Time Goes By” as our song. We still like it after all these years.


  6. draliman says:

    I used to watch Trading Places and Mannequin a lot too.

    “Ody – the famous music-hating cat…”

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