Dereliction Of Duty

I’m starving! Where’s the good stuff?

My blog isn’t the only thing I’ve been neglecting over the past few months…

Just as I thought, dry as a bone!

Maybe there’s some good stuff inside?

Is that a kernel on the roof…. no, it’s just a cicada.

Gotta be some on the floor then…

What in the hell kind of restaurant is this, anyway!?!?

Sorry I haven’t been filling the feeder, Mr. Saturday Squirrel.  I did throw out my last corn cob and the loose kernels from the bag on the ground before I took these pics.  But I guess by the time you find it, the birds will have taken off with it…

Have a great weekend everyone!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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8 Responses to Dereliction Of Duty

  1. Rivergirl says:

    For shame! Tasty payment must be made for all the squirrelly hours of enjoyment… not to mention blog photos… these guys provide.

  2. noelleg44 says:

    We’re now putting out corn cobs for our squirrels – they are denuded in a day!

  3. draliman says:

    Poor hungry squirrel. Looks like it’s dry corn for him today.

  4. Well now, I sincerely hope this WRONG has been RIGHTED and you returned from Mecca with a big bag of corn for “your” squirrel!


  5. mydangblog says:

    We currently have baby squirrels and I saw one on our deck the other day, chasing his own little tail. He was adorable! I got a photo but it was through glass and a screen so not the best quality.

  6. Birds gotta eat too, you know. 😉

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