Covert Operations

Squirrel surveillance

Oh boy, I’m so glad they picked me, Agent Double-0 Nothing, to perform advanced scouting for our upcoming squirrel uprising against the silly humans!  They’ll never know what hit ’em when we take over their governments, their businesses, their Meccas!  I see some dumb sap right now with a camera, probably a counterintelligence spy for the human side!  He has no clue that the watcher is being watched by another watcher!  Ha!  He’s even looking my way, but I know he can’t see me behind this….

Dammit, Double-0 Nothing!!!!  You’re in plain sight!!!  Camouflage yourself on the double you fool!!!!!

Oops!  Sorry, Chief!  Does this mean I’m gonna be featured as this week’s Saturday Squirrel now?

Looks like the squirrel uprising will have to wait for another time, as their plans have been foiled again.

Have a great weekend everyone!  But keep an eye to the sky…………

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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9 Responses to Covert Operations

  1. Rivergirl says:

    Don’t blame Double O Nothing. He saw a nut and got distracted..

  2. beth says:

    squirrel life

  3. noelleg44 says:

    Our double o agent spends the morning entertaining my cats.

  4. draliman says:

    Double-oh-nothing looks like the squirrel which ran out in front of my car last week. Good job he was in plain sight or it might not have had such a happy outcome…

  5. I wouldn’t mind it if squirrels took over the government……couldn’t be any worse than it is now right? As for taking over Meccas – I’m gonna guess that you wouldn’t mind if they did that either…..or maybe they already have???


Jabber Away...