The Ghost Of Mecca

Write a brilliant song, have it turned into muzak... that's the American way!

Write a brilliant song, have it turned into muzak… that’s the American way!

meccamuzakmondaysIt’s Monday, and DJ Scratchy’s queueing up another most excellent track from the Mecca CD’s that have been providing your audio enjoyment on those shopping jaunts to hell for the past year and a half.  This week, we have another personal favorite of mine from a group that before my research I had only heard of half of…

Broken Bells is a duo that formed in 2009.  The band consists of guitarist and vocalist James Mercer of some band called The Shins, and renowned musical genius Brian Burton, who goes by the best nickname in the entire music business….

He probably even composed the cartoon's awesome theme!

He probably even composed the cartoon’s awesome theme!

Burton is best known for being the creative half of a more famous duo… namely Gnarls Barkley, where he partnered with the singer who later gave us the best tribute song to an unrequited love evah…

Well ain't that some shit?

Well ain’t that some shit?

But back to Broken Bells, they had a catchy little number that appeared on both the Winter and Fall CD’s last year that took a long time for me to really notice how absolutely wonderful it sounded to my ears.  I won’t post the video to the song, because it has a lot of extraneous music before and after the main song, as well as a lot of other sound effects that take away from actually enjoying the song.  But it’s pretty goofy, and if you’re into interplanetary chicks selling off fake body parts in outer space, well, knock yourself out!

But here is just the song itself, from Broken Bells’ 2010 self titled album, “The Ghost Inside”…

Like most of the songs Burton is involved in, this one has a killer backbeat that pleasures the brain rather than giving it a headache.  Mercer’s falsetto singing somehow makes it even better.  I don’t even know or understand most of the lyrics to the song, nor do I care… I can listen to this every day!

Meanwhile, on the subjects of ghosts….

No, not these guys...

No, not these guys…

Back when I first started at Mecca, everyone on the overnight crew loved to talk about our store’s resident ghost… simply referred to as “The Indian.”  Anytime merchandise would mysteriously fall off the shelf, or something would move without explanation, or stuff would just disappear… we would chalk it up to The Indian.  The Indian was borne of the belief that our store was built atop an ancient Native American burial ground… a legend which was given a hell of a lot more credence when the construction for our remodel began in 2009, and a shitload of actual Indian artifacts were found in the excavation!

But if you give white man land, he will bring tribe box box store, and rollbacks, and squaws dressed in pajama pants...

But if you give white man this land, he will bring tribe big box store, and rollbacks, and squaws dressed in pajama pants…

That find delayed our expansion by a year and a half so the archaeologists could have a field day… but at least it gave us something solid to back up our Indian spirit story with.  Our Mecca really does have a ghost inside, and we’re not about to give him up!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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14 Responses to The Ghost Of Mecca

  1. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Good choice, Mecca! They may end up being mistaken for cool or hip or something 🙂

  2. It’s a super relaxing song, thanks :o) I love stores ( no matter what they sell, I love to shop) but I’m not sure if I would be brave enough to enter the store what’s haunted by The Indian :o)

    • There have been no reported Indian sightings during the daytime… so just make sure to shop while the sun’s still up, and you should have a specter free shopping experience!

  3. merbear74 says:

    Does the ghost ever mess with the CD’s? That would be funny. Ooooo.

    • That would be funny if just started playing “Indian Reservation” or something like that. I’d probably be the only one who noticed that song didn’t belong, though!

  4. 1jaded1 says:

    The song reminds me of early 80’s. Be careful with Tvs and little girls and things polterghostie…freaky.

  5. draliman says:

    Most people blame “stuff going missing” on shoplifters 🙂

  6. calipatti says:

    I’ve seen your aviator around thought I’ld pop in and have been enjoying your run on millionaire story.
    Great music and art too.
    Ok, I’m sorry if this is a stupid question but what is Mecca? I went online to look but became more confused.

Jabber Away...