#161 – Community Service

Photo taken: July 17, 2015

The city government is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the ditch that runs through my neighborhood… and which forms the rear boundary of my property.  As a way to kill two birds with one stone by saving taxpayer money while also punishing those who don’t abide by stupid city ordinances… community service allows people to pay off their fines by doing city work.  These are the people who are often sent to clean out my ditch a handful of times per year.  I have many random photos of the “criminals,” as I like to call them, who are called upon to dig the icky crap out of my ditch… but this guy is easily my favorite.  It’s a hot as hell day in the middle of July, and you can just tell by the sheen of all that sweat that he’s done a lot of hard work already just holding that shovel.  Let that be a lesson to anyone who wants to run afoul of the law in my hometown… you just may end up having to work for free at The Nest!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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12 Responses to #161 – Community Service

  1. I like this idea… sadly here only young gangsters have to do service work as a punishment, but I wish it would be possible for all… I rather work than to give the govt. 54 bucks… again…

  2. His sweat is the least of his problems – it looks like he has a big old tree branch growing out of his head.

    Pam 🙂

  3. draliman says:

    He doesn’t look too happy about it. Good job he didn’t see you taking the picture.
    We just put minor lawbreakers in the stocks and throw tomatoes at them over here in Merrie Olde England.

    • We had the stocks before we got that silly independence idea in our heads a couple centuries ago. I’d love to see them return… except they might make me clean the ditch then.

  4. franhunne4u says:

    Attention, spoil-sport comment:
    I am not sure you are allowed to secretely take a photo of somebody doing community service and then publish it via the internet long after he has had his punishment.

  5. I can feel the heat from here! 🔥

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