City Of Fools

Mr. T pities you, fool.

No jokes, no pranks, no whoopie cushions.  Just more good, lost, forgotten music.  That’s how we spend every Monday, April Fools Day or not, at The Nest by pulling another lost classic from DJ Scratchy’s Dusty Vinyl Archive!  Alright, who wrapped the turntable in plastic wrap!?!?

This is the second time AFD has fallen on a Monday since I began the DVA, and for some odd reason there are a lot of songs from the classic rock era to have a variation of the word “fool” in them.  I featured Def Leppard’s lesser known hit “Foolin'” in 2019, and this year I’m going to pick another rocker from a British band that apparently wasn’t a chart-pleaser in the US…

Foghat formed in the early 1970’s, and though they were formed in the UK, they’re much better known in America, where they set up base for much of their 70’s heyday.  However, they weren’t chart darlings at all.  Their biggest and best known hit, 1975’s “Slow Ride,” only made it to #20… and today’s selection “Fool For The City” (from the same year and album) finished just outside the Top 40 at #45.  “Fool” is definitely their second best known song to me, and I was surprised it didn’t do so well with the fools at Billboard…

I’ll have another…….. interesting classic next Monday!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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4 Responses to City Of Fools

  1. I remember this one and I liked it then and still do…..I was probably one of a tiny hand full of people who didn’t really care for “Slow Ride” but this one rocked enough to get my attention. Hope your AFD is QUIET (other than music of course).


  2. noelleg44 says:

    They might have been popular here but I totally missed them. Great beat though!

  3. Oh wow…that takes me back to some heady days. Great choice for any Monday!

  4. draliman says:

    Not sure what to make of this one. I liked the funky guitar but found the overall tune and singing annoying…

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