Share Your World – Week 274

Obviously signifying a crop of The Good Stuff.

On a march organized by The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament from London to Berkshire on April 4, 1958, the design that has become the iconic peace symbol made its public debut.  Designed by Gerald Holtom two months before the march, it went from being much more than a Cold War symbol trying to curtail nuclear weapons and blossomed into the anti-war peace sign we all know today during the Vietnam era 1960’s.  The symbol’s design incorporates the semaphore positions for the letters N (The two short diagonal legs) and D (Straight up and down) for Nuclear Disarmament.

That’s nice. Now let’s blow some shit up!!!

We come only in peace to answer this week’s Share Your World questions from Di

This is the third straight week I’ve had to use the damn dove…

Today is Easter Monday and for many in the UK it’s a Bank Holiday and extra day off.
This week, I’m asking you to share your day, April 1st, and what it entails.

LOL.  We call them federal holidays in the US, and the only people who get off for them are government and bank employees (Though the bank employees at the branch located in our Mecca will also get off for Monday’s solar eclipse…. nice work if you can get it).

And no, Easter Monday is not one of them.  We only mix church and state when it comes to Christmas….

Will you be playing tricks on someone seeing as it’s also April Fool’s Day?

No.  I’ve stated many times that I love all kinds of humor…. even (and especially) that which is deemed politically incorrect or inappropriate (See my Shelf Critter Theatre stories).  But practical jokes and pranks are not something I find funny at all…

Nobody’s laughing… except the fat bitch.

Were you ever a victim of an April Fool’s prank?

Not that I recall, thankfully…

Will it be a normal working day for you?

If you mean a normal working night (and morning since I worked Sunday night), yes.  My crew works 364 nights a year (365 in this leap year)….

But I do have all next week off, because…. 38 days of PTO a year, man!

If you have children…

((Record scratching sound))

Let’s just stop right there before you give me nightmares of having responsibility for wretched little spawn…

Gratitude AI Image:

Peace out!!!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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7 Responses to Share Your World – Week 274

  1. Thanks for sharing the background on the iconic symbol; it prompted me to look up semaphore…gah, math. But guess that makes the day not a total loss, I learned something new, so bravo for that.

    P.S. Nice AI image!

  2. Hey – that’s cool info on the peace sign…..did NOT know that!  I’ve never had an April Fools trick done TO me nor have I done it to anyone else – I was concerned about karma…!!


  3. Hi ES,

    thanks for joining in and the history behind the peace symbol.
    I’ve been on the receiving end of practical jokes, and not all on April 1st.
    Can’t remember playing one on someone, other than my Mum when we told her we’d bought her a pet rabbit as she always seemed to miss them on the roadside when we went out. She was so anxious because she said she couldn’t look after it and the dog would probably kill it, but we said it would be OK. She was afraid for it though, and told us to take it back. Hubby then presented her with the rabbit, one stone garden ornament which she was thrilled with and used it as a door stop for years.
    See you next week!

  4. ghostmmnc says:

    Seems I looked up that Peace sign beginnings before, and yep – that’s it. Yay for getting some vacation days, but poor Buster … he didn’t have eclipse glasses!!! oh no 😦

  5. noelleg44 says:

    Normal day, but yes, Peace Out!

  6. draliman says:

    Interesting, I didn’t know the CND symbol was anything particular.

    I’m definitely not a fan of practical jokes either. Sorry you guys don’t get a nice 4 day break at Easter.

Jabber Away...