Share Your World – Week 276

Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect your Sunday shoes.

The town of Elmore City, Oklahoma kicked up its heels for the first time on April 18, 1980 when the local high school held its first ever prom to feature actual…. (gasp!) dancing!  The city had long banned the disgusting act of cutting loose in public places, and the kids fought for and finally won the right to legally bust a move (though only because the dance was not deemed to be a “public event” by town leaders).  And yes, this was the story that inspired the 1984 movie Footloose

Elmore City still has a ban on public nudity…. as do so many other backwards cities around the world.

Now The Nest will take its two left feet and put them to better use answering this week’s Share Your World questions from Di

This scene is too sexualized for Elmore City.

Regardless of whether you had them or not, can you remember three popular toys from when you were a child?

I can remember all kinds of toys that were popular when I was a child…. a surprising number of which can still be found on store shelves today (even if they look a bit different from back in the day).

Lite Brite was a favorite which let you make art on a backlit pegboard, and is still sold today.

So many small pieces for kids to choke on. The perfect gift!

I was lucky enough to have a Mr. Potato Head from just before he had his iconic pipe taken away from him by the Anti-smoking nazis…

This was the exact design I remember! Puff on that pipe, Spuds!

And for a toy I didn’t have (nor did my sisters thankfully), there’s Puppy Surprise!

Sticking your hand up a dog’s coochie has to count as animal abuse.

I did a whole Retro Ad post mocking this travesty of a toy back in 2015, and declared that at least this terrible idea for a children’s activity would never see the light of day again.  Only it did….. they brought back Puppy Surprise a few years ago in the midst of the insane market for toy collectibles that now makes up nearly a third of the entire toy department at work.  Puppy Surprise with its rare (4 pups) and ultra rare (5 pups) models was not only a stupid idea, it was a stupid idea that was ahead of its time…

Did you ever want something specific as a child, but never had it?

An Atari.  We had the ColecoVision, which was better and more expensive than Atari.  But I fell in love with playing Pitfall at a friend’s house who had Atari, and Coleco didn’t have Pitfall…

Coleco did have this shitty ass Smurfs game which was about as much fun as falling into a crocodile pit.

Do you still have any toys or games from your childhood?

My sisters and I destroyed and/or lost every toy/game we ever had…. usually within weeks.  I still have the odd relic from the past though, many of which could be spotted in my Shelf Critter Theatre stories…

Now I wish I had a Ninja on a Skateboard when I was a kid…

I think I’ve asked this before, but what was your favorite toy as a child?

Well, after the ColecoVision and the nine games we had for it got old, there was the Nintendo Entertainment System…. the best video game console in the history of the market.

Hours of fun!

Gratitude AI Image:

I have a new favorite toy.  My Lite Brite art never earned me any money…

Mitzi says “Yooooohoooooo!!!!”

I think I’m gonna try to sell that one…

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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5 Responses to Share Your World – Week 276

  1. noelleg44 says:

    I have a Steiff teddy bear, worn and oft mended (now 70+ years old), but still serviceable. I remember coloring books, punch out paper dolls, and a Slinky.

  2. Thanks for joining in ES. How well I remember Footloose.
    Apart from Mr Potato Head, not familiar with the others. As for Puppy Surprise, OMG!!! Visions of kids doing that for real and wondering why they got bitten!
    See you next week.

  3. Wait, dancing was outlawed? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh for heavens sake.

  4. Puppy Surprise was just plain WEIRD!  I had a Mr. Potato Head and a Slinky, and all of those things that were popular in their time but my all time favorite “toy” was my teddy bear which I got when I was one and still have. Yes that makes it (and me) an antique!


  5. draliman says:

    I had some sort of largely unbranded (or a forgotten brand) games console which had that ping pong tennis thing on it. It wasn’t exactly Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077 but it was awesome at the time…

Jabber Away...