Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hippity hop, hippity hop…

Despite it’s name, my Saturday Squirrel feature doesn’t always feature a squirrel.

This bunny caught my eye while taking some squirrel photos last week.  Like some of my squirrels, he’s apparently a bit camera shy….

Can you spot the bunny in the next photo I took?

No, but I think I see Waldo.

Have fun looking for this week’s Saturday Bunny…

Have a great weekend everyone!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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9 Responses to Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow

  1. We have a bumper crop of bunnies in our yard this year…….in the “do you see the bunny” photo is that the tippity top of his ear about midway just above the greenery????


  2. noelleg44 says:

    Yup, I see an ear peeking above the greenery.

  3. Juliette Kings says:

    Awwwwww. Gotta love those bunnies. Unlike squirrels they don’t steal my bird feeders. LOL

  4. draliman says:

    Is that a “wild” free-roaming bunny? Or is he in someone’s back garden?

  5. Bunnies are the cutest and the welcome mat is always available for them around the Ranch.

  6. mydangblog says:

    We also have a bumper crop of bunnies this year and it was delightful until they ate all my coneflowers! But they’re still adorable baby bun buns.

  7. We used to bunnies, but the bobcats keep eating them. And the hawks. I wish they’d start eating the chipmunks. Suddenly, we have a LOT of them. Everywhere.

Jabber Away...