We Winned!

fanny award

It’s the second week of December, and you know what that means…. the year has officially ended and nothing else matters until January 1st.  I was passing by the checkout counter at work the other night and noted Time’s tribute edition to the famous people who died in 2013 was already out, and thought how brilliant it was that any memorial to those we lost in 2013 wouldn’t include Nelson Mandela.  That’ll teach you to die in December if you want to be remembered…

Keep me in a medically induced coma!  Nobody will remember me if I die now!

Keep me in a medically induced coma! Nobody will remember me if I die now!

As I’ve learned, in blogland December means the coming of the annual Blog of the Year Award.  I went through this rigamarole last year, collected my six stars, and had my Mom all excited because she thought I really won something special.  Well, I’m currently sitting on four nominations for this award by different followers of mine, so i guess I better get cracking on accepting this thing!

Not this kind of cracking...

Not this kind of cracking…

The first nomination I got for BotY ’13 of course came from Merby, who loves me to pieces even if I am usually a smartass to her.  Did you see that, “best squirrel evah!”  Stick that in your nuts and smoke it, Rocky…

On the heels of that nomination came a BotY nod from Draliman, and somehow I made his very, very selective list!  I am extremely honored and flattered to be in such select company!

One of my more recent followers chimed in with the next BotY nomination, Fourcatpaw.  My own felines Ody and Biskit are somewhat perplexed there may be another cat out there who actually likes a squirrel!

And finally over the weekend, Robin from Witless Dating After Fifty offered up a shotgun BotY nomination to all of her followers.  How could I refuse that since I love that approach as well?

And in continuing with that tradition, I hereby nominate every blogger who appears on my Friends of the Nest page… including the four of you who have already nominated me yourselves!

Here is the official Blog of the Year 2013 logo:



Now, the point is to add a star each time someone nominates you for it, up to 6 stars.  Last year I added acorns as I gained each nomination.  This time, I decided to take a different creative approach, and actually pay a bit of a visual tribute to those who thought of me when the time came for their BotY nominations.  So instead of adding stars for each nomination, I’m adding something symbolic for each nominating blogger who thought of me when it came time for accepting their awards!

Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpeg

For Merby’s nomination, what else could I add but Holiday Paul?

For Draliman, a smiley face with a bullet through his forehead to remind me of his twistedly hilarious short stories he does for Friday Fictioneers!

For Fourcatpaw, a… well, a cat paw!  Meow!

And for Robin, the sun from the Farmer’s Almanac since she likes to post data from the almanac at the beginning of each month, and she enjoyed my analemma post last week!

Thank you everyone who nominated me, and for those who haven’t yet…. there’s still two empty holes on that award with some lucky stiff’s name on it…..

You can be more famous than someone who died in December!

You could be more famous than someone who died in December!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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22 Responses to We Winned!

  1. youngatfifty says:

    ‘we winned’ ….reminded me of Dennis the Menace 🙂
    congrats on all your nominations !

  2. gentlestitches says:

    Congratulations and I was lucky enough to get one too so I here by and officially award you another star or star type thingy and must remember never to cark it in December because you are right, the year is over and everyone goes more nuts than usual. in a relieved, happy, joyous type of way. I will be posting my official award post eventually to keep it legitimate. 🙂

  3. draliman says:

    I love your creative take on the award! That smiley with the bullet hole pretty much describes my writing perfectly.
    Maybe it should be my new gravatar 🙂

  4. merbear74 says:

    Now that you bring it up, when should I love you to bits when you’re always a smart ass to me? 🙂

  5. merbear74 says:

    why* The first typo of the day..sigh.

  6. I really like your take on the award.
    I suggested to another blogger who already collected 5 stars, the idea to create an award that removes stars instead of giving them.
    Like the blackhole award, or something like that.
    If I find time tonight I’ll create a badge and give it away to my favorite bloggers.

  7. Pingback: The Black Hole Award, Because You Asked For It. | Doggy's Style

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