Spotlight Thursday – Meet Ody

Sigh…. it looks like Ody has sold me out in this week’s Spotlight Thursday feature on Bacon’s blog! Be sure to check it out while I go prepare The Box for “someone”….


Spotlight Thursday

Welcome my friends to SPOTLIGHT THURSDAY.  This is the time that I will introduce you to one of my fellow anipals so you can get to know them better.  Some of them, you may already know.  We hope that you enjoy this new series!

Name:  Ody.  That’s pronounced “Oddy,” not like Garfield’s mutt.  Not that it matters to ES since he allows everyone at the vet’s office to call me Odie.  Of all the nice, perfectly good names to give a cute little kitty cat like myself, I get stuck with something nobody can pronounce right.

Age:  6 years and a handful of months, but who’s counting?  Not me, since I don’t get birthday parties or presents or anything like that to even know if I’m another year older or not.  Is anyone looking to adopt a sweet, cuddly, handsome tuxedo cat?  Preferably someone who…

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About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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15 Responses to Spotlight Thursday – Meet Ody

  1. Hey Ody. I saw your story over at Bacon’ blog. I wish I could bake you that cake with a saw in it, but even if I were big enough to reach the counter or smart enough to read the recipe or strong enough to open the refrigerator, I’d probably eat the cake before it got to you. Best to just relax and enjoy.

    Love and licks,

  2. Oh I could need an Oddy… you would fir perfectly to our crazy circus :o)

  3. Piglove says:

    Thanks Evil! I appreciate your participation in our interview this week. XOXO – Bacon and Houdini

  4. Ody is soooooo beautiful. Love those black cats.

  5. Trisha says:

    The way my cats look at me sometimes, I wonder if this is the way they would describe me and their lives. But we know the truth: Ody’s got it pretty good there!

  6. ~~~~~~ waves two ewe oddy….veree nice two meet ewe, we N joyed reedin yur storee heer & over a bacon’s place !! 🙂 sorree ewe & biskit dinna get a chance ta take yur dadz car fora wee spin….. now THAT wooda been awesum !! 🙂

  7. reocochran says:

    Ody was a sweet visitor to see here. Have a fantastic and “nutty” weekend, Evil S. 🙂

  8. Cute feline. I’d adopt him but I’m the wrong side of the pond! 😉

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