Calling All Angels

Queue the heavenly music mixed with stone silence…

The request line has been shut down like all those 1-900 numbers from back in the day, and The Nest’s homepony is back on the switchboard like Lily Tomlin!  It’s Monday, and that means it’s time to pick up the old school receiver and turn that rotary dial to call up another great song that got disconnected from that phone booth of lost his we like to call the Dusty Vinyl Archive!  You can always call up DJ Scratchy for a good time, while the Sponkies are calling everyone asking for Prince Albert in a can.  It’s time to get busier than a busy tone!  Beep, beep, beep, beep….

New wave is one of the messier labels that’s been given to music, ultimately coming to describe almost any kind of pop that was coming out in the late 70’s and early 80’s.  When I think of new wave, I think of bands with more synthesizers than they had members, those awesome sounding electric drums that were already being put into permanent storage by the late 80’s, gloves with the fingers worn out in them, and music videos that had so many graphical gimmicks that you wondered if your old boob tube was going out on you…

Thanks Duran Duran!

New wave was originally meant to categorize a more commercially acceptable brand of punk music that emerged from the British Isles, and unsurprisingly, most of the acts we consider to be “new wave” today came from the UK, while many of the rest were from America or continental Europe.  So of course, when I think of the song and music video that best epitomizes my notion of new wave, it naturally comes from a band completely on the other side of the world from where it was all going down…

In 1983, Australian band Real Life ensured themselves a slice of 80’s one hit wonderdom with their epic synth pop masterpiece “Send Me An Angel.”  The song was a big hit in their homeland, as well as Canada and a few select European countries.  In the US, it only reached #29 on the Hot 100… but its video, fitting for the song’s eerie fantasy feel, got a lot of play in the glory age of MTV.  I might remember this song more than I should given its stay on the American charts in early ’84 coincided with when I listen to Casey’s countdown every Sunday morning, and the video’s heyday with when we first got MTV.

You may kiss my hand now for bringing this earworm into your (real) life.

For some reason, the band remixed the song without the awesome hand claps and a few of the other new wavey sounds and released it a few years later as “Send Me An Angel ’89.”  That version only did well in two places, New Zealand and, shockingly, a hair band obsessed America… where “Angel ’89” outdid the original by three chart slots!  Luckily, I have absolutely no recollection of that travesty…

Come back next Monday as The Nest will again send its angel with a blue mane to give you another lost hymn!

About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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13 Responses to Calling All Angels

  1. Interesting video…..We could use a few angels – “right now” ! The lead singer’s dimple is Guinness World Record-worthy.


  2. I liked it… but the whole new wave thing was weird somehow… they always looked as if they have a stick somewhere and thought this is kind of sophisticated and they are something better than the kiddos who jumped their heart out on the dance floor…

  3. A great synthesized tune to start out the week! Thanks for this awesome Monday earworm!

  4. ghostmmnc says:

    I’ve always liked this song! First time seeing the video, which is pretty cool! 🙂

  5. Kismet says:

    Interesting, but can the guy REALLY sing?

  6. draliman says:

    That was quite funky. Interestingly I found the chorus quite boring and preferred the verses. If you want to play a song called “Send Me an Angel” though, you’re better off with Scorpions.

    • I had to look that one up… it seems to have come from that period where The Scorpions (and just about every other hard rock band) was trying to out-ballad each other. I prefer my Scorps from the “Rock You Like A Hurricane” era…

  7. Juliette says:

    I have no idea why I lthis song so much. Thanks.

    • juliette says:

      Wait, I made some boo boos. I have no idea why I like this song so much. Thanks.
      But I like it. Thanks again.

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