Imagine Unicorns

over the monument

If I’m going to drone on again about how much I really don’t like doing acceptance posts for blogging awards, then you know I must be getting ready to accept another blogging award!

An apple a day keeps the fig leaves away!

I’m so weak and easily tempted…

So my friend Draliman made me one of the five nominees for the latest blogging award he received.  Well, of course I was honored, and went to go check out the post while I tried to think up a million excuses for getting out of another acceptance post when….

Oh my…. I can’t really turn down this one now, can I?



A rainbow AND a unicorn.  Yeah, that would look good on my blog.  Time to get out the prepared speech and hit the podium….

Thank you from the bottom of our alleged hearts!

Thank you from the bottom of our alleged hearts!

The Imagine Award was created “in order to recognize the bloggers who express their passion and dedication towards their blogs through their creativity”.  It has six basic rules…. thankfully none of which involve answering any silly questions….

  • Copy and paste The Imagine Award into your post.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog page to your post.
  • List 3-5 things about the nominator’s blog that you like (which you think are very creative).
  • Nominate 5 other bloggers/blogs which you think display a fantastic use of creativity and imagination.
  • Notify your nominees.
  • Display The Imagine Award on your blog’s award page.
So easy, even a possum could do it...

So easy, even a possum could do it…

So first off, to thank Draliman for nominating me for this awesome award!  His blog contains no shortage of his patented Dralidoodles, to help accentuate the points in his posts as well as entertain and enlighten… much like the third grade artwork I sprinkle dump all over my posts here.  Also of note at Draliman On Life are his short stories inspired by the Friday Fictioneers prompts, which always steer in some crazy direction I never see coming, usually quite dark and macabrely (is that even a word?) funny.  Be sure to check out his blog!

Macabrely funny!

Macabrely funny!

Now to dig up some nominees who are the essence of creativity.  I have so many followers whose blogs are chock full of the results of their creative juices, but since I can only choose five, I’ll pick the following bloggers:

  • Gentlestitches – My Aussie Auntie Sharon is a master of the yarn!  In addition to the many cute little animal amigurumi figures she designs, she is also chock full of ideas on how to cleverly use and reuse things which we might be tempted to pitch in the trash for crafts and other practical things!
  • Squirrel Picnic – Jennifer is also a talented crocheter and amigurmist who has literally knitted up her own set of cute little characters!  Hodge, Podge and the gang can be found adorning all corners of her blog, often seasonally appropriate, and even occasionally star in their own comic strip!  The amazing things she creates as part of her “Make It Challenges” are worth checking her out alone (Of course, I am quite partial to the one that appears in my sidebar!)
  • Fish Of Gold – Goldfish is a talented graphic designer whose animal drawings are to die for, and I even hear she likes unicorns!  While she often blogs about subjects of a serious nature, there is a lot of fun and creative stuff in between.  Her lists are always a favorite of mine.
  • Knocked Over By a Feather – Merby’s dedication to her wonderful sense of humor through hardship is truly inspirational.  Her alter-ego Marlene is a real trip too!
  • Pig Love – Bacon is one cool little oinker who always has some cool and original features on his blog.  He is currently counting down the 31 Days of Spook, has a regular “Dear Bacon” feature with all kinds of cute animal pictures, and has his friend Rocky the Squirrel letting us know about all the cool unknown holidays out there.

Congratulations to all of the nominees, and enjoy your rainbow unicorn award!

Time to spread the love!!!

Time to spread the love!!!


About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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15 Responses to Imagine Unicorns

  1. merbear74 says:

    Thank you ES. I am speechless, and so is Marlene. 🙂

  2. draliman says:

    I knew the unicorn-rainbow combo would be too much to resist!
    Thanks for the kind words 🙂

  3. C.K. Hope says:

    Congratulations, ES! It looks lovely on your sidebar!

  4. gentlestitches says:

    Thank you so much. I love it. 🙂

  5. dogfordavid says:

    congratulations on the award. you are definitely creative 🙂

  6. Thank you so much for the nomination. Hodge and Podge are applauding wildly in appreciation!

  7. It is fitting that the other half of the Wonder Twins should get this award as well. Yay Merbear! And ES. 😀

  8. PigLove says:

    I am so honored my friend – so very much!! I can’t say thank you enough. I love it!! Thanks!! XOXO – Bacon

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