The Third Annual Contest Of Whatever!

The competition will be cutthroat this year...

The competition will be cutthroat this year…

We’re less than 24 hours away from February… and you know what that means!

Nonononononooooooo!!!!  Not that… that was just me being a smartass a few weeks ago!

It’s time for Evil Squirrel’s Nest’s Contest of Whatever!  It’s the game where you get to impress me with your mad creativity skillz, and possibly even win some really cool prizes from my online shop in the process!

Any Rainbow Bronco fans gonna be watching the Stupid Bowl this year?

Any Rainbow Bronco fans gonna be watching the Stupid Bowl this year?

Past CoW winners Young At Fifty, Goldfish, Draliman and Merby can vouch for how awesome pure, dead, brilliant my shitty designs look on real, live Cafepress products.  You know you want a piece of The Nest for your very own… so pay attention to these very simple rules!

Just as in the past two contests (2014, 2015), your task will be to create something to post on your blog.  You can use any art form (or combination thereof) you like… drawing, painting, writing, sculpture, mime, interpretive dance, toejam molding… if it’s possible for you to share it with the WordPress community, it’s all good!  The subject of your work can be literally anything you wish it to be… so long as it meets the specified criteria for this year’s contest.

Oh course... there's ALWAYS fine print.

Oh course… there’s ALWAYS fine print.

In 2014, you had to give me something with a squirrel, a unicorn, and a possum…

squirrel riding unicorn


In 2015, the requirement was at least two animal characters playing some kind of game…

draw four!

No problemo!

For the 2016 Contest of Whatever, the requirement will be just as simple.  Your submission MUST include my possum character Buster.


That would be moi!

And Buster MUST DIE.



Yes, the third annual contest will be themed around you offing my ever so killable possum!  You’ve seen me do it time and time again in my Thursday comics…. now it’s your turn!  The method and/or circumstances of Buster’s demise can be anything your demented imagination can spit out. If you plan on doing a visual piece… don’t worry if you can’t draw possums as bad as I do… as long as you make it known it’s Buster, and he’s definitely experiencing some form of expiration, that’s good enough for me.

Awwww, are they picking on you again, dear?

Awwww, are they picking on you again, dear?

The contest begins upon this post going live and ends on Sunday February 28th at 7:00 AM Central Standard Time (1:00 PM GMT).  You must have posted your submission by then to be eligible to win.  Please include a link to THIS POST in your submission so that I will see it (Pingbacks always go to moderation for me, so don’t worry if you don’t see one show up in the comments… I will comment on your post as soon as I see it so you’ll know I’m aware of it).  I will post all of the entries I received that Sunday morning, and announce the winners on Tuesday March 1st.

Can't we just skip the earworms for one lousy week?

Can’t we just skip the earworms for one lousy week?

Like always, there will be two winners who will each be allowed to select something valued at $20 USD or less from my Cafepress shop (Any drawn design on this blog that was created by me can be added per request).  The first winner will be the entry that I judge to be the best based on content, creativity and execution.  The second winner will come from a random drawing of all of the remaining entries… meaning no matter how unimaginative you may think you are, you still have a shot at winning one of the prizes!

The Accounting firm of Ody and Biskit, LLC is now accepting your bribes.

The accounting firm of Ody and Biskit, LLC is now accepting your bribes.

The first year there were 11 entries, and only nine last year.  I want to see those totals blown away this time!  You have four weeks to work on this…. come on and have some fun with The Nest’s Contest of Whatever by causing the death of an imaginary possum!!!

There will be blood!

There will be blood!


About evilsquirrel13

Bored former 30-something who has nothing better to do with his life than draw cartoon squirrels.
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49 Responses to The Third Annual Contest Of Whatever!

  1. draliman says:

    Kill Buster? We get to kill Buster? Oh, the possibilities bwahahahaha 🙂

  2. Merbear74 says:

    I love all critters, even Buster. I might not be the winner this year. 😦

  3. This made me smile. I’m so doing this.

  4. Ally Bean says:

    Kill Buster?!! Whatever did he do to you that prompted you to seek this kind of revenge? Wonder how the contest will play out this year. Hmmm.

  5. JackieP says:

    Ohhhh, I didn’t win last year…but that’s ok. Let me see what I can come up with. Although I really don’t like killing animals… you say, he always comes back. I mean that’s really not Killing then is it? Right??

    • You know how I feel about animals… but I totally approve of cartoon violence, and Buster’s as cartoony as they come and always bounces back. I assure you his death will not come back to haunt you!

  6. That’s a little complicated for me … but I need to remind you that me and Mr. Garry both have your mah-ve-lous (dahling) tee shirts and we actually WEAR them in public! In photographs. I love them. No, really, I love them.

    • Oh yes, I was just pimping the past winners so they’d achieve the contest immortality they so deserve. I hope you are able to give it a shot this year so you can perhaps add to that collection…

  7. Trisha says:

    Hm. I’m going to have to think about this. This is one of those times I wish I had some sort of artistic talent or at least knew how to use Photoshop. Knew…is that even a word? It looks weird.

    • Knew/New/Gnu… yeah, it looks weird. While this challenge doesn’t lend itself well to photography (Unless you know a willing possum!), I’ll bet you can find a way to incorporate it into something else…. storytelling. maybe. Of course, if you could figure out a way to come up with a mime act that satisfies the contest rules, you might seal a victory!

  8. Pingback: Short Story Sunday: A unicorn, a squirrel and a possum go into a bar… | Vampire Maman

  9. 1jaded1 says:

    Fuck it February…lol. I won’t be participating but will be reading. 😃

  10. gentlestitches says:

    I have THE BEST IDEA EVER………..: 😀

  11. Kat says:

    I’ve totally got this in the bag!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

  12. Author Mandy White says:

    I don’t know Buster very well, but killing is something I do well. (evil laugh)

  13. Pingback: 3rd Annual Contest of Whatever | Brain Cookies

  14. Holly says:

    Oy…I might have to participate finally…

  15. Pingback: Three True Tales of Terror (with teens, rats and possums) | Vampire Maman

  16. This is my official entry unless I come up with something else.

    Three True Tales of Terror (with teens, rats and possums)

  17. Pingback: Sharing My World – Week 7 – Shedding Light

  18. I’m sorry. This sound like … that ultimate four-letter word: work! I mean, you know, work? Me, work? I’m RETIRED. I don’t do stinkin’ work!

  19. Pingback: Evil Squirrel’s Annual Contest of Whatever – gentlestitches

  20. Pingback: Possums From the Wrong Side of the Road – Shedding Light

  21. Pingback: Sunday Selfie Snoozer | onespoiledcat

  22. Reblogged this on The Indecisive Eejit and commented:
    I know a lot of you eejits are creative, here’s another way to put it to good use, espcially if you like dipping a toe in the darkside it would seem! Only one week left though, so get your thinking caps on 🙂

  23. Pingback: Buster Must Die! | draliman on life

  24. Pingback: Death by Minions: Buster’s Tragedy | JADE M PHILLIPS

  25. This was so fun! Thank you ES! Here’s my entry.

    Death by Minions: Buster’s Tragedy

  26. This one isn’t mine but I didn’t see the link here. Check it out.

    Death by Minions: Buster’s Tragedy

  27. Pingback: 3rd Annual Contest of Whatever… | jennsmidlifecrisis

  28. Poop! Finished my artwork today (with my broken thumb) thinking Feb. 29 was the deadline. Looking forward to congratulating the winner! Here’s my non-submission anyway!

    3rd Annual Contest of Whatever…

  29. Well, that’s me well out of the running. I’m way to behind on reading posts. It’s almost tempting to delete the email notifications and just start fresh…

    • I could never go back that far… sometimes if I’m even behind two days, that first day is gonna get skipped… or maybe skimmed. If I were ever out of the loop for a week or more… nope, I’d just start fresh.

  30. Pingback: Three True Tales of Terror (with teens, rats and possums) – with illustrations | Vampire Maman

  31. Pingback: Short Story Sunday: Three True Tales of Terror (with teens, rats and possums) – with illustrations | Vampire Maman

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